Monday 7 May 2012


One day whilst searching for a p2p file sharing program I stumbled upon a site that showcased the Ares p2p file program. At first I was skeptic since I had heard of viruses this program bring users, sometimes totally destroying their machines.

Even though Ares had not being touted as a virus or malicious software at that time I still wanted a p2p file sharing program. I researched and used it for years and here is my review.

Ares as you may all know is a p2p file sharing program. It works by connecting users  to a network of people’s computers who have  files that are ready to be downloaded by you.

What can this software do?
Assuming you are new to this software, Ares can simply get you any file you want as long as the users on the network have the program you are searching for. For example say you want to download an mp3.If guy x has it on his computer and Ares has access to that folder, the software will pull it and let you download. Downloads on the network is very fast since many people can have  the same file on their computer.

Features of Ares software
Ares has been touted as one of the best due to ultra fast downloads. Ares is able to do that since it can quickly tap one file from various sources. Since it has a large network of users I personally didn’t have to worry about one link. Your options are indeed unlimited.

Ares has a built in audio and video player. Ever downloaded files from a network and you have to wait in anticipation just to play the file. Well with this program all I had to do was wait till it was about 20% downloaded and play the file. If I thought I didn’t like it I simply canceled and moved on.

Chat with friends on network. Ares has always been social but this time you can host chat and chat yourself with other fellow down loaders/ uploaders. If say you were searching for a file but cannot find it and have a good relationship with your friend why not ask for it maybe he knows someone who has or he has and can make it available for download.

Yes with Ares privacy matters this program will not just take files from everywhere on your machine. It only takes files from the folder you share with the network. Be sure to remove all privacy content to another folder.

Lastly on the features of Ares it has a powerful library organizer that helps with arranging your files. This helps when you have a huge library, which am I sure will not take long to posses whilst you have Ares.

Ares Scam?
On my thoughts on the Ares scam as an experienced user I think Ares itself cannot cause any harm to any individual’s computer. However you are advised to watch the kind of files you download and their extensions. Personally if I searched for a file, I would check the extension and also use an antivirus to scan the file before I open.

Even though I do the preview test with some files I make sure that after it finishes I have gone through proper scanning. People who think this is a scam in my opinion are not yet experienced or tech savvy (no offense).Even file searching on the p2p is an art one must cultivate.
Due to these reports some sites have been labeled as scam.

This happened to me whilst I was trying to download an updated version. I however ignored it since responsible use and taking precaution by scanning files, and also checking extension of files before download will not yield viruses. Ares to me is not a virus because it’s just like its other counterparts. It a file sharing program if not used by taking precautions can bring you virus. Period

I would like to end this article on Ares by stating this very important thing again, please be sure to create a folder or separate the files you use for sharing from your private files. This will prevent people from having files you wish to keep discreet.


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